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It never fails to amaze us how reviews can be so contradictory on the example above we see that 'Starky' enjoyed a four night stay but 'Unnamed' thought the place was a circus!. We have seen many such mixed reviews...we have also seen suggestions that a place should be avoided due to 'lots of rain', or 'coldness'.
Generally speaking reviews are  a great way of gauging what a potential campsite might be like, our procedure is to read as many site reviews as we can and determine the good from the bad.
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Another issue we have is with  Wikicamps method of displaying maps, in the image above, of Queensland's  South Burnett, I have zoomed the view to 10km ....note that there is very little detail shown, none of the roads have  a name, this makes it difficult to view any POI's (points of interest) along our route, none of the icons, the POI's or campsites, respond to a hovering requires laborious clicking to learn about each one. The black circles with numbers, which also need to be clicked on, simply indicate how many 'sites' there in in that area, there is no further information.